Presentation of the LCPME

The LCPME is a Joint Research Unit of the University of Lorraine and the CNRS (UMR 7564) with the EPHE as a partner. The laboratory is integrated into the “Molecular Chemistry and Physics” (CPM) center of the University of Lorraine and the Institute of Chemistry (INC) of the CNRS. The laboratory is a member of the Carnot Institute for Energy and the Environment (ICEEL).

The laboratory organization chart is available here.



Christophe Gantzer

Deputy director

Mathieu Etienne

Research teams


Spectrocopies and Microscopies of Interfaces

Platform manager
Fabienne Quilès

Environmental Molecular Biology

Platform manager
Isabelle Bertrand

Research support

Administration Department

Christelle Charbaut

Technical Department

Gérard Paquot & Marie Rambeau

CPER Funding

SusChemProc project


Talisman and Talisman2 projects

TEXTIR project